Prohibited & Restricted Items List

Adherence is key on this list. 

Prohibited items are those marked with below. CAN NOT send these items through any courier who you book with My Parcel Delivery.

Restricted items are those marked with below. You CAN send these items through any courier who you book with My Parcel Delivery however this will be on a no compensation basis. If they are lost or damaged in transit you will be unable to make a claim for compensation.


Feel free to check out the list below.

Item Restricted Prohibited
Animals of any kind, including insects, pupae, worms, tortoises, frogs, crabs, lobster, crawfish, fish, hatchling eggs or birds
Counterfeit or pirated goods or materials
Illegal Drugs or Narcotics
Firearms, including parts, weapons and amunition
Animal products
Chemicals, non-hazardous
Drugs: non-prescription
Industrial equipment
Human remains including ashes
Negotiable instruments in Bearer Form
Dry ice
Pornography of any kind
Any items of carriage that are prohibited by any law, regulation or statute of any Federal, state or local government to or throughout which the shipment may be carried